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An NFT Game & the Mission to Revolutionize the P2E Model

An NFT game with the revolutionary free-to-play-to-earn (F2P2E) model.

An NFT marketplace that supports large-scale P2P trading




3 months

Full-circle development: web3 game and features

Services Used:
web3 game case study - monsterra

About The Clients

This game project is a multi-chain game run on BNB, Avalanche and Terra networks. Inspired by the pet world in Axie Infinity and the gameplay in Clash of Clan, the game revolves around farming, property building, and battling other lands with magical creatures called Morgens. The innovative F2P2E model allows gamers to start for free, enjoy the game and set up a high-profit stream without any upfront investment. 

The Challenges

There has been a massive surge in NFT games ever since Axie Infinity made it big, but not every game is created to be sustainable. Many are poorly designed in both gameplay and tokenomics, with players swarming in and companies steering games only for short-term profits. On top of that are the high entry and gas fees, which may halt traditional game players from trying out the game. 

The client plans to counter all those problems by combining the two models: free-to-play (F2P) and play-to-earn (P2E) models, accelerated with exciting gameplay, minimal gas fees, and a balanced game economy.

Monsterra NFT game
Monsterra NFT game

The Solutions

With a mission to transform the existing Web3 Game model with freemium, recreation, and sustainability, the client and Ekotek teams have gone through extensive research and brainstorming to come up with the following solutions:

  1. Multi-platform ecosystem: The game will be developed on WebGL with both desktop and mobile applications. In addition, there will be supporting applications such as a marketplace and payment engine so that any user can easily access the game. 
  2. Multi-chain support: To speed up the transaction processing time and reduce the gas fees, the project has to be based on multiple blockchains. In addition to the blockchain integration, this game project also has to develop a bridge system to facilitate players’ need to exchange tokens.
  3. Dual-token model: To best minimize the inflation rate, the game will be releasing 2 types of tokens: one with unlimited supply and frequent burn schedule for common activities, and one with limited supply for advanced activities and transactions.
  4. Innovative game design: With a brand-new mechanism for pet breeding and land shaping, this game project requires creative design for gameplay, economy, and scripting.

The Results

Ekotek has been working with the client team since the beginning of the project as a core partner. With a tight roadmap ahead, we rushed to develop the game firstly on the BNB chain, along with primary features such as cross-chain bridge and NFT marketplace. The bridge to exchange tokens between BNB, Terra and Avalanche was completed in just one month, followed by the NFT marketplace that supports large-scale P2P trading in BNB, USDT, and BUSD. At the time we’re writing this article, the project is well on its way to the official launch in Q3, 2022!

This game has fundraised a total of $2M from more than 50+ investors globally. It has also attracted more than 60,000 gamers in its farming testnet, having around 7,000 active players at any given time.


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Technology Stack

  • BNB Chain
  • Avalanche
  • Terra Chain
  • WebGL
  • Solidity