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Building NFT marketplace for Bullet Chain - world's first third-person shooter play-to-earn game

A next-generation, realistic combat experience while earning income

Game NFT marketplace developed in 6 weeks


Web3 Game


6 months

Robust platform for NFT pre-orders, rentals, sales

Services Used:

BulletChain web3 game case study 2

About The Client

Bullet Chain is the world’s first TPS (third-person shooter) P2E game. By utilizing the TPS element, Bullet Chain drives more user engagement by making the game fun to play and player-focused.

The Challenges

The client came to us with a pressing challenge: the development of a robust, feature-packed, and reliable NFT marketplace where players can sell and rent in-game NFT items.

Primarily available in the form of in-game guns or lands, these NFTs need to be well-integrated with the game Bullet Chain itself in order to ensure that items bought on the NFT marketplace can be fully imported and displayed in the players’ in-game inventories.

The Solutions

After going over the development client with the client, we have agreed to split the development process of the project into three phases:

  • Phase 1: Development of the game NFT marketplace powered by the BNB chain
  • Phase 2: Integration of NFT rent feature into the marketplace
  • Phase 3: Integration of the NFT marketplace with the game

The Results

Within just under one month and a half, the game NFT marketplace was developed and integrated seamlessly with the Bullet Chain game to produce an engaging playing & trading experience. The client shared that he was satisfied with the results from all the marketplace’s pre-sales of land NFTs, and is looking forward to when the game officially launches this Spring 2023.


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Technology Stack

  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • NestJS
  • NodeJS
  • Solidity
“The Ekotek team went above and beyond to meet each of our requirements within such a short time frame, without compromising the quality of their work. They are insightful, supportive and responsive - truly a reliable partner for any Web3 development needs.”
bullet chain logo
The client

Project Owner