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How An NFT Marketplace Will Transform Japan’s Art Community

The first-ever physical exhibition of NFT in Tokyo has pioneered and inspired artists to embrace NFTs as a profitable medium.

Building a beginner-friendly, gasless NFT marketplace




4 months

NFT purchases in both crypto and fiat payment

Services Used:
NFT marketplace case study - AddValue

About The Clients

The client is our frequent collaborator. They have developed and incubated numerous crypto projects beyond Japan’s border.

The product they want to develop will be the 1st NFT marketplace to run on the client’s private chain Moneta and is expected to serve both beginners and experts in NFT.

The Challenges

The client quickly acknowledges the growing reputation of NFT within the art community, and their clients are also interested in the business potential of said tokenized content.

With established trust from previous collaborations, the founder came to us with the project outlining their company and their client’s NFT vision.

The founder agreed with Ekotek’s consultation for a white-label NFT marketplace as the optimized solution. He stressed on the time-sensitive of the project and how it would not be accepted as a compromise for any deliverables we agreed upon.

addvalue marketplace interface
AddValue - NFT Marketplace case study

The Solutions

Since delivery time is one of the project’s highest priorities, Ekotek proposed a project timeline with a committed deadline for each stage.

Next, we defined user roles and documented core functions, frameworks, and tech used. As requested, the new NFT marketplace was built on the private chain Moneta and allowed users to mint NFT without paying a gas fee.

Critical features that brought an edge to this NFT marketplace as a beginner-friendly NFT marketplace were also incorporated. Admins can mint NFTs at ease and put them on sale with 2 options: instant sale and auction to better profit from their creatives.

This product will be one of the few NFT marketplaces that allow both crypto and fiat payment with Stripe integration. Users can buy NFT without cryptocurrencies and store NFT with an on-site wallet created with AddValue.

The Ekotek development team then applied client branding data to the marketplace, including their specific font, color code, and images.

Not only will they talk about the program they are developing, but also about the business model.

The Results

After 4 months of development, Ekotek has successfully deployed the much-anticipated NFT marketplace for the client. Their founder shares with us the plan to initiate a series of events and exhibitions to gain traction for launching the marketplace in late April 2022.


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Technology Stack

  • Java
  • NestJS
  • NextJS
  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • Solidity
  • Redis
  • Kafka
Not only will they talk about the program they are developing, but also about the business model.
Mr. Hirao
The client
